930 North 3rd Street, Grand Forks, ND 58203
Tel: 701-795-9143
Life Skills/Job Development

Job Development
What is Job Development?
Job Development provides a range of services to the community and to Prairie Harvest Mental Health consumers who, without services would become homeless. This range of service includes: service coordination, consumer assessment, service monitoring and employment education to consumers, businesses and the general public.
The Job Developer will help educate the community business leaders and citizens about the potential the people we serve have in working in competitive jobs. The Job Developer will work on expanding job opportunities in the community as well as providing participants with skill building activities so they can return to work. The Job Developer will help work on changing society attitudes about hiring people with disabilities and work with participants in changing their perceptions about working. The Job Developer will build on the social benefits that go along with work: a reason to get up in the morning, respect from co-workers, improved self-esteem, to name a few.
The Job Developer will:
Provide an assessment of each Consumers in the following areas:
Consumer's need to work.
Consumer's interest in working.
Consumer's ability to work.
Type of work that the Consumer is interested in doing.
Establish relationships with community employers.
Provide direction and assistance to participants in obtaining jobs with livable wages and benefits.
Help to identify, secure and supervise potential work contracts for work teams.
Work to create better paying level jobs with the opportunity for advancement for participants.
Conduct individual and group training sessions on various work related skills such as:
Job searching skills
Resume writing
Co-worker relationships
Appropriate hygiene/clothing for work
Accepting change in schedules
Information on how work affects SSI and SSDI benefits
Employment Groups
Life Skills
What is Life Skills?
Life Skills Program promotes a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle to consumers who would be homeless without services by:
Teaching individuals how to care for their immediate needs,
Preparing individuals to care for themselves on a long-term basis,
Encouraging individuals to remain active through participation in various activities and hobbies,
Educating individuals, as well as the community, about mental illness.
How Does The Life Skills Program Work?
Prairie Harvest Mental Health consumers will be referred to the Life Skills Program. Once they are referred the Life Skills Coordinator will determine what assessments need to take place. Based upon those assessments, the Life Skills Coordinator will plan a program with the help of the consumers. For example, the Consumer and Life Skills Coordinator might conclude that they need to work on their laundry skills as well as developing a hobby. That consumer's program would focus on those needs.
Life Skills
Household Chores
Meal Planning
Meal Preparation
Grocery Shopping
Transportation Training
Emergency Preparedness
Social Skills
Safety Training
Health Training
Socialization Activities
Skill Groups
Leisure Club
Budgeting Group
Socialization Activities
Socialization is encouraged through a variety of activities designed for our consumers.
Birthday Club
Recreational activities
Y Family Center